
Become a Sponsor
Explore our wide-range of sponsorship opportunities from the highest on-site level of visibility to effortless channels to reach fairgoers. With more than half a million guests, The Youth Fair ranks among the top 30 fairs in North America.
Our team is committed to making your experience a positive, profitable and memorable one. We’ll match you up with the best sponsorship level for you or design a custom-made package designed to meet all your business and marketing needs.
- Increase brand awareness and recognition
- On-site display, sales and sampling
- Activation opportunities
- Lead generation
- Drive sales
- Product and/or business showcase
- On-site Signage
- Inclusion on website and marketing materials
- Opportunity to sponsor entertainment and/or concert lineup
Benefits will vary depending on the level of investment
Let us tailor your way to success!
If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please send an email to sponsors@fairexpo.com